Golden Biscoff Bûche de Noël (Yule Log)

This showstopper Christmas recipe puts a trendy flavour twist on a traditional Bûche de Noël! This Golden Biscoff Bûche de Noël has a vanilla sponge which is light as a feather and filled with Biscoff whipped cream and crunchy Biscoff biscuit crumbs. Caramelised white chocolate ganache coats the cake for a golden finish before it’s decorated with frosted rosemary trees, homemade meringue mushrooms and juicy cranberries. This cake’s got Claus for celebration!

This recipe is kindly sponsored by Tala Cooking.

Biscoff Yule Log (Bûche De Noël)

Recipe Overview

  • FLAVOUR: The classic vanilla flavoured sponge adds a perfect backdrop for the Biscoff filling – adding caramelised white chocolate ganache adds to the indulgent, golden finish.
  • TEXTURE: This cake is Biscoff heaven! It features melt-in-your-mouth light vanilla sponge filled with luscious Biscoff flavoured whipped cream, with crunchy Biscoff chunks for added texture. The white chocolate ganache coating adds a luxurious finish.
  • SERVES: This recipe uses the Tala Performance Baking Tray (34.5 x 24.4 x 2cm) and serves 10.

Biscoff Yule Log (Bûche De Noël)

Ingredients For Bûche de Noël (Yule Log)

To make this easy Golden Biscoff Bûche de Noël you will need:

  • Eggs – use the best-quality eggs you can find and make sure they are at room temperature. This recipe uses 5 large eggs, separated into whites and yolks.
  • Caster sugar – the fine texture of caster sugar makes it ideal for mixing into light cake batters, like this one.
  • Vanilla extract – if you can, use vanilla extract rather than vanilla essence. The extract is a natural, purer vanilla flavour whereas vanilla essence is more synthetic and not as strong.
  • Plain flour – sift your flour before combining with the rest of the ingredients for best results and to avoid lumps.

Caramelised white chocolate ganache ingredients:

  • Caramelised white chocolate – to add an extra caramel flavour to the cake, I used Caramilk to make this ganache.
  • Double cream – the cream helps to make the chocolate more spreadable and adds a touch of extra richness and indulgence.
  • Salt – the salt will enhance the flavours.

Ingredients for the Biscoff cream filling:

  • Double cream – whipped cream is a great filling and a great base for adding flavours to.
  • Biscoff Smooth Spread – this is ideal for mixing in with whipped cream and is a perfect cake filling.
  • Biscoff biscuits – gently crushing these biscuits helps to keep some texture and adds a delightful Biscoff crunch to the cake filling.
Biscoff Yule Log (Bûche De Noël)

Christmas Meringue Mushrooms

These meringue mushrooms are the cutest addition to this Biscoff Bûche de Noël and are so easy to make! You can make these before you start making the rest of the yule log cake.

Christmas meringue mushrooms

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Quick Recipe Success Tips

  • Use the right cake tin: Making a yule log calls for a trusty non-stick baking tray so the cake easily flips out after baking. The one I used from Tala’s Performance Range ticked every box – highly recommend it!
  • When whisking the egg whites, ensure your mixing bowl and whisk are spotlessly clean and dry. Any leftover residue or liquid will prevent the egg whites from reaching stiff peaks.
  • Use a stand mixer or handheld mixer to make the meringues (it’ll save you a lot of arm ache!).
  • The egg whites need to be whisked to stiff, and I mean stiff, peaks. The thicker, the better. This usually takes 4-5 minutes with the mixer on the highest setting, You can test the consistency by holding the bowl upside down, if the meringue stays put, it’s ready.
  • When folding in the egg whites, do this slowly and gently in a figure-of-eight motion to prevent deflating the air whisked into the egg whites.
  • Be careful not to overheat the ganache ingredients in the microwave. If the cream gets too hot, it will split and turn the ganache grainy or slimy. It’s best to microwave in 30-second blasts, giving the bowl a swirl to see if the chocolate is melting.
  • If the ganache splits, turns grainy or looks slimy, add another 25-50ml of cream and keep stirring to bring it back together again.
  • Be careful not to over-whisk the cream as this will make it grainy. It’s best to stop as soon as the cream looks thick and has a cloud-like pillowy appearance.
Caramelised white chocolate ganache

How to Roll a Yule Log Cake

I’ll let you into a secret – making a yule log cake is easier than it looks! The trick is to roll the cake as soon as it’s come out of the oven. To prevent the sponge from cracking, roll it up inside a tea towel or greaseproof paper as soon as it’s out of the oven. Doing this allows the cake to set as it cools in a roll shape. Generously dust the tea towel or greaseproof paper with icing sugar to stop the sponge from sticking to it once it’s been rolled up. Gently unroll the cake when it’s cooled and add the filling before re-rolling again to create your amazing Golden Biscoff Bûche de Noël.

A Golden Biscoff Bûche De Noël, ready to roll!

The Best Baking Tray for a Yule Log

The Tala Performance Baking Tray (34.5 x 24.4 x 2cm) is perfect for making this Golden Biscoff Bûche de Noël, having an amazing non-stick coating so your cake will release easily after baking. The Tala Performance Range is robust and designed to last, with a ten year guarantee meaning you can turn out plenty of amazing bakes for years to come.

Yule Log Decorations

As well as the cute meringue mushrooms, I decorated my Biscoff Bûche de Noël with frosted rosemary Christmas trees and gingerbread stars.

Biscoff Yule Log (Bûche De Noël)

Golden Biscoff Bûche de Noël

This showstopper Christmas recipe puts a trendy flavour twist on a traditional Bûche de Noël! The vanilla sponge is light as a feather and filled with Biscoff whipped cream and crunchy Biscoff biscuit crumbs. Caramelised white chocolate ganache coats the cake for a golden finish before it’s decorated with frosted rosemary trees, homemade meringue mushrooms and juicy cranberries. This cake’s got Claus for celebration!
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Prep Time 2 hours
Cook Time 14 minutes
Total Time 2 hours 14 minutes
Course Dessert
Cuisine Christmas
Servings 10


For the vanilla sponge

  • 5 large eggs separated into whites and yolks
  • 150 grams caster sugar
  • 2 teaspoons vanilla extract
  • 100 grams plain flour

For the caramelised white chocolate ganache

  • 400 grams caramelised white chocolate I used Caramilk
  • 150 millilitres double cream
  • pinch salt

For the Biscoff cream filling

  • 250 millilitres double cream
  • 3 tablespoons Biscoff Smooth Spread
  • 50 grams Biscoff biscuits crushed

For the decorations

  • frosted cranberries/rosemary sprigs
  • gingerbread stars
  • meringue mushrooms


To make the vanilla sponge:

  • Preheat the oven to 170ºC (fan). Grease and line the base of the Tala Performance Baking tray 34.5 x 24.4 x 2cm.
  • Whisk the egg yolks, half the caster sugar (75 grams) and the vanilla extract for 3-4 minutes until thick and foamy. Sift in the flour and fold together until the mixture is smooth and thick.
  • In a separate bowl, whisk the egg whites on a medium speed for 3-4 minutes until they reach soft peaks. Turn the speed up and slowly pour in the remaining caster sugar (75 grams). Keep whisking for another 2-3 minutes until the meringue is glossy and reaches stiff peaks.
  • Spoon half the meringue into the egg mixture and gently fold to combine. Now fold in the rest of the meringue. Be careful not to overmix as you want to keep as much air in the cake mixture as possible.
  • Spread the cake mixture into the baking tray and bake for 14 minutes, until the sponge is lightly golden, risen and springs back when pressed. Whilst the cake is in the oven, lay a large piece of baking paper (bigger than the baking tray) on a work surface and generously dust with icing sugar.
  • As soon as the cake is out of the oven, run a knife around the edges to peel the cake away from the sides. Flip the baking tray upside down on top of the baking paper. The cake should fall out easily. Carefully peel off the baking paper on top of the cake.
  • Starting from the short edge, roll the sponge up (with the baking paper inside) and leave to cool completely in the roll shape for at least 1 hour.

Meanwhile, make the ganache:

  • Finely chop the chocolate and place in a microwave-safe bowl. Pour the double cream on top.
  • Microwave for 60-90 seconds or until the chocolate has almost melted and the cream is piping hot. Place a plate on top of the bowl and let it sit for 1 minute. Stir to make a smooth and glossy ganache. Leave to thicken and cool for 30 minutes. Top tip: if the ganache splits or turns grainy, stir in 1 or 2 tablespoons of double cream to help bring it back together.
  • Add the salt and then use an electric mixer to beat the ganache for 1 minute to make it light, fluffy and spreadable.

Now make the Biscoff cream filling:

  • Microwave the Biscoff spread (you can microwave the whole jar if the foil life is removed) for 20 seconds to loosen it slightly.
  • Pour the double cream into a bowl and add the Biscoff spread.
  • Whisk on high speed for 2-3 minutes until the cream has thickened. Be careful not to over-whisk – the cream will split.

Assembly and Decoration:

  • Carefully unroll the cake and spread the Biscoff cream on top. Scatter the crushed Biscoff biscuits over the cream.
  • Roll the sponge back up from the short edge. Slice off one-quarter of the roll on an angle and stick to the side of the bigger roll. Transfer the cake to a serving plate or cake stand.
  • Spread the whipped ganache all over the cake and use the top of a palette knife or spoon to drag lines through the ganache to make it look like a log.
  • Now add your decorations for a festive finish. The more the merrier!


Keyword Biscoff, Cake Recipe, Christmas Cake Recipe, yule log
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